Vitamin D is rarely found in many fruits, because we derive this amount from sunlight and some animal-based foods. But some fruits do have small amounts of vitamin D or assist in absorbing it. Here are some fruits and fruit-based sources that might help increase your vitamin D sources:
Orange (fortified) — Oranges itself is a poor source of vitamin D, but fortified orange juice is one of the good sources.
Mango — Has a little vitamin D
Avocado — Contains small amounts of vitamin D, in addition to healthy fats that enhance absorption.
Papaya – Has small amounts of vitamin D and other nutrients that can help boost your immune system.
Kiwi – Has a small amount of vitamin D, plus other vitamins such as C and E.
Figs — Dried figs can be a source of small amounts of vitamin D, as well as fiber and antioxidants.
Berries (especially strawberries, in particular) – Not a great source of vitamin D themselves, but stawberries and other berries have vitamin D boosting nutrients.
Cantaloupe – Cantaloupe does provide a small amount of vitamin D, though it is not a major source.
Grapefruit (fortified) — Some grapefruit juice, like orange juice, has vitamin D added to it.
Tomatoes – Tomatoes are not rich in vitamin D, but they are a good source of compounds that help your body absorb and use vitamin D.
So for a large intake of vitamin D, the key is to eat foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods or get exposure to sunlight.